It’s UCHS Homecoming time once again

Pictured are (l-r) ninth grade Prince and Princess Parker Parrish and Bella Johns; 10th grade Prince and Princess Tucker Williams and Zoe Elixson; 11th grade Prince and Princess Ke’Andre Stephens and Jahlivya Woodall; the homecoming court — Cameron Williams, Jayda Hendrieth, A.J. Cortese, Leah Clark, Ayden Elixson, Karly Shatto, Markus Strong and Jaycee Davis; and sponsors Daylyn Diston, Lindsay Kingsbury, Perry Johnson and Sarah Archer.


Times Editor 

Union County High School Homecoming festivities and football game are happening this week!

This Thursday night, Oct. 6, Tiger Growl will be held at the UCHS football field. The event will feature the naming of the Homecoming King and Queen, as well as the introduction of their court. Also on the schedule will be the skits written and produced, by each of the four classes. The event will start at 7 p.m. Admission will be $5 for adults and $2 for young people K-12.

Friday, Oct. 7, the annual Homecoming Parade will take place. The route will be the same as in previous years, with Sprinkle Field serving as the staging area for the floats. The event will begin at noon, so get there early to get a good spot to stand along the parade route. Students will have early release after the parade is finished, and they have time to return to school to catch their buses.

Friday night, the Union County Tigers will play their homecoming football game against Dixie County. The game will begin at 7:30 p.m.