Invitation to recovery from addiction

Dear Editor:

I wanted to take a moment to let the Lake Region know of a new recovery meeting that will be beginning soon in Keystone Heights. We will be bringing Drug Addicts Anonymous (DAA) to the Mission of the Dirt Road. These DAA meetings will begin Thursday March 9, and will be held every Thursday at 7:30 p.m. thereafter.  

Drug Addicts Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who have recovered from addiction and are committed to helping those who still suffer.  We have recovered by using the Twelve Steps as outlined in the book of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Our primary purpose is to recover from our addiction and help other addicts to achieve the same freedom.  

DAA is not dedicated to users of any one specific drug, and use of no single drug was predominant among our members.  DAA was founded in Sweden in 1997 by two drug addicts who had been attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings.  While AA had been very successful in helping alcoholics recover from alcoholism, its fellowship was only available to alcoholics, not drug addicts.  

DAA was formed as a separate fellowship to offer the same successful program specifically to drug addicts while not being in violation of AA’s traditions.  DAA was granted permission from AA World Services to adopt the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as a program of recovery.  The only changes made to the Twelve Steps were substituting the word “alcohol” with “narcotics and all other mind-altering substances” and “alcoholics” with “drug addicts.”  

The Twelve Steps of AA have been hugely successful in helping alcoholics to find recovery.  Since alcoholism and drug addiction are the same illness, it only makes sense to use the Twelve Steps of AA and the Program of Action outlined in AA’s Big Book to bring this same recovery to drug addicts. The format of the meeting on Thursday nights will be an intense Big Book study.   

I was born and raised in Keystone Heights.  I abused drugs and alcohol from a young age.  I am proud to be able to bring Drug Addicts Anonymous to the addicts and alcoholics in Keystone Heights.  Don’t let the name fool you, this program is for anyone who is addicted to mind-altering substance, and alcohol is a mind- altering substance. In fact, our membership is full of alcoholics who never abused hard drugs.  

We would love to see you on Thursday nights starting March 9. If you are a Hopeless Dope Fiend who wants a way out, then please come visit the Dopeless Hope Friends Group of DAA, where we will show you the way to true freedom. All that is required is willingness, honesty and open mindedness. Come as you are. We don’t care if you live in a mansion on Lake Santa Fe or a tent in the woods. The only thing that matters to us is that you come.


RS, Recovered Alcoholic and Addict