Dear Editor:
On Thursday, Nov. 7, my nephew was riding his street legal scooter to Walmart. Someone driving a “big, black truck,” according to my nephew, sideswiped him, sending him into the emergency lane and ditch. The truck driver did not stop.
A minister was in the car behind the truck, however, and did stop, staying with my nephew until rescue and the police got there, offering comfort and assistance. Wherever he was going, he put my nephew’s need before his own.
To the person driving the truck, I hope wherever you were going in such a hurry was worth it. When you see the damage you caused to your truck, think about the damage you did to a person.
To the minister, EMTs and police, I offer my thanks and prayers. My nephew was not seriously injured, thank God.
We all have to have our eyes open when we are driving to watch for others on the road. We all have to share.
Jo Young
Keystone Heights