Legal Notices for 10-6-22

Bradford IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, EIGHTH  JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR BRADFORD COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO.: 04-2020-CA-000360-CAAM COMMUNITY STATE BANK, a Florida corporation,                              Plaintiff, The unknown heirs and devisees OF THE ESTATE OF PATRICIA MOCK ARNOLD, deceased, as their interests may appear; UNKNOWN PARTIES in possession, Defendants.  NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Defendants, the Unknown … Read more

Dodging a bullet

Dear Editor: We have just dodged a bullet in that Hurricane Ian took a path that spared our area any serious damage. It did bring an event at my house that emphasized how much praise and appreciation is due for our city employees. On Thursday morning my electric power went out and I heard a … Read more

Legal Notices for 9-29-22

PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS AND REVISIONS FOR THE 2022 GENERAL ELECTION I, CORD BYRD, Secretary of State for Florida, do hereby give notice that the ballot title, summary and proposed text for each of the following proposed amendments and revisions to the Florida Constitution will be on the General Election ballot on November 8, 2022 in … Read more